
Easy everlasting garden greens and greys

How Statement Plants Add Texture, Joy, and Interest in Winter

Evergreen foliage in a variety of shapes, sizes, shades, and textures forms the backbone of the garden year-round, acting as a foil for the flying plants that come and go. In winter, they can be relied upon to provide that living look as the surrounding herbaceous perennials retreat below ground to wait out the bad weather until spring.

Evergreen ash plants, which are present year-round, provide the perfect contrast to the many shades of green in dry areas like our gravel garden. The silvery foliage of plants like Pseudodictyum (pallotta) and Santolina are especially effective here. Throughout the months, the permanent presence of evergreens provides a home for birds and insects and protects the yard from predators.

1. Santolina chamaecyparis

Forms rounded dense bushes with silver-gray closely feathered foliage. Small yellow button flowers in summer. Height and spread: 60x80cm (24x31in).

2. Pseudodictyomnus mediterraneus

One of the beautiful greys. Long arching stems of round leaves dressed in grey-white from a woody base. Dry the Excellent. Height and spread: 80x70cm (31x27in).

3. Verbascum bombyciferumhas

Large rosettes of grey-white leaves are produced in the first year, followed by a tall stem bearing a cushion of yellow flowers in the second year. Height and spread: 2mx60cm (6.5x2ft).

4. Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’

A non-flowering form that spends its energy producing carpets of velvet-patterned, silver grey lamb’s ears. The most silvery form without a doubt. Height and spread: 15x60cm (6x23in)

5. Cynara Cardungulus

Also known as Cardoon, this is a wonderful feature plant. The large arching silver-grey leaves, boldly cut, form a large mound, topped by thick stems with large, luminous blue-topped thistle-shaped heads. Height and spread: 1.8x1.2m (6x4ft).

6. Bergenia

All too often relegated to a shady corner. In our experience, Bergenia give their best when in an open sunny spot. Choose varieties that colour well in winter, as they will become an essential foliage feature for the colder months.

7. Cistus

A plant that grows widely throughout the Mediterranean and is ideal for our gravel garden. They form a variety of rounded or spreading foliage forms, the perfect contrast to strong verticals or some herbaceous perennials.

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