
9 Top garden flowers for Beautiful Dreamers

 Beautiful Dreamers

Mygardeninfo highlights some of the most attractive specimens that are currently in the market for their products.


Enrich with Nature has launched the Fuchsia Exotic Series, which includes nearly 50 varieties of fuchsia. They come in an incredible range of flower types, sizes, colors, and shapes. The two that caught my eye were 'Lambert Henkelman' (below), which has large, two-toned purple and white double flowers, and 'Rohees New Millennium' (below), which has rich, ebony-black and red small flowers on a small plant.


This is a unique rose. My neighbor Emily has eight of these varieties planted in one bed, and they sing with bright pink, lightly scented, double flowers. They have been in full bloom since Labor Day weekend. "Being a floribunda, 'Leonardo da Vinci' will continue to flower until May. It will be happy in all sorts of conditions, including rain and heat.


It was hard to pass up this young gem in Bunnings recently. The multi-coloured pink, lime and white flowers are stunning. I wanted five plants for a space on a wall, but only three of the same type bloomed. Unfortunately, as the varieties were not named, I couldn't get the five plants I needed, so I had to leave them. Check out these hydrangeas from the Enrich with Nature range, because they are beautiful.


This very pretty, annual bedding plant is quick and easy to grow from seed. It appears in summer on slender stems adorned with feathery green leaves, in colours ranging from pure white to pale blue and purple. It is a beautiful houseplant and an excellent cut flower. After the plants finish blooming, the pretty dry seed pods scatter the seeds, so new plants can sprout the following season.


Summer and daisies go hand in hand. This little yellow is always a picture from spring to early May. Bees love the flowers too. It is suitable for any well-drained, sunny site, including containers, mass plantings and coastal areas.


This is a striking houseplant with beautiful, pointed leaves. Each leaf is maple-shaped and varies in color from silver and gray to shades of plum and brown. It also has pretty pink flowers that appear above the leaves.


If you are looking for a flat, low-growing ground cover that thrives in hot, dry conditions, this could be it. Silvery leaves carpet the ground, from which clusters of low, yellow flowers emerge in summer. The flowers are beautiful and add a delicate charm to the plant.


This is a neat, new introduction for indoor plant lovers. The glossy green and yellow leaves curl, adding a lovely, delicate feature to the plant. When the plants are young, the leaves are spiral-shaped. As the plant matures, the leaves become longer and the curl is not as pronounced. Widely available, it is a beautiful plant to add to an indoor collection, and it is hardy and happy in most light situations.


For summer color, bedding salvias are reliable propagators. They push out numerous flower stalks throughout the warmer months. Colors range from pale cream and white to fire engine red, orange, and purple. They are a great choice for hot, dry areas, and are available in bundt pots at most garden centers.


The picture-perfect 'Lilac Mist' is a unique long-blooming Hep, bearing purple flowers from early summer until late winter. It produces flowers at other times of the year with a light bloom. It is a great plant for a low hedge or to line the edge of a garden, and is also a lovely choice for pots and containers.

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